"The Holy Children heal the wounds of the spirit.”
“Los niños santos curan las heridas del espíritu.”
María Sabina, the renowned healer, referred to mushrooms as "the holy children," viewing them as her helpers and guides. Santo Síclobe is a project meant to be a comprehensive educational resource on psychedelics. As a "Psychedelic Journal," it will consistently provide updated and insightful information.
During the project, we did an extensive search for visual references and were inundated with popular sacred geometric patterns, like mandalas. We decided to go in a different direction with organic shapes inspired by water marbling textures.
The name Santo Síclobe is a fusion of “holy children” and "Psilocybe," the scientific name for a genus of psilocybin mushrooms.
Take a look at their Instagram, they are constantly updating it with new psychedelic information and content.
This project was created as Co-Founder of Coordenada Creativa, a branding agency based in Mexico City.
View the rest of the projects on Behance.